Chris Petersen

Chris Petersen

Hello I’m Chris Petersen @diehardcowboy_ country music artist, and lover of all things related to horses, cowboy life, and sharing the lifestyle. My professional background is in video production, photography, graphic design, and marketing. We raise a string of good quarter horses, and simmental, Sim/Angus cattle.

What’s going through your head as you lay in bed the night before … a hunt, a fishing trip, a ride?:

I often look up at the starts and think of how lucky I am to live this way in an area where I can see the stars

What motivates you to do what you do?:

I am motivated by family, and the feeling of accomplishment in building things.

How do you step your game up year after year?:

Work hard and never stop learning. The world changes constantly so you can’t sit idle and expect the same strategies to work forever.

What would you identify as a quality you possess that makes you stand out amongst your peers?:

Work ethic

If you could improve one aspect of what you do, what would it be and why?:

Id be a little better at fitting 48 hours into 12 hours… that would be a real game changer

If you could only listen to one music album the rest of your life, what would it be?:

Hymns of the new world by Ryan Tilby

Past, present, or future: who is one person you would sit down with for a full course meal and why?:

My grandpa Petersen. Never got to meet him and I know I’m a lot like him so I’d like to connect the dots.

Is a hotdog a sandwich?:

Yes I guess so just a different breed

Who has had the biggest influence on your life and why?:

My wife. She’s pretty smart and we do everything together every day.

What is your most favorite smell?:

Fresh rain on sagebrush

What is the best book you have read?:

The Bible

Would you rather be the smartest person or the funniest person?:


Your go to favorite meal?:

Ribeye Steak

How would you explain what Canvas Cutter represents?:

Freedom to live the life you want from anywhere in the world

What is your favorite Canvas Cutter product and why?:

Dominator. Just the right size, and I’ve used it the most

What is something people would never guess just by looking at you?:

I have a professional background in video and used to film a hunting tv show for the outdoor channel.


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Erika & Emily Stout

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