The most important application strategy I recommend is just that – have a strategy. Personally, I try and break it down to hunts that I want to do on a regular basis and those that are a long-term investment. In today’s hunting world, nothing is constant. Whether it be winter kill, drought, disease or states changing regulations, nothing is a guarantee. Just like many things in life, success typically finds those that have a well thought out plan, and then execute the plan as best they can. In this article, I will go through the species that interest me and hopefully share something that motivates one of you to develop a species-specific strategy. If you want more in-depth state by state overviews on availability and specific units, I would recommend joining one of the many hunting consulting communities. Epic Outdoors, GoHunt, Huntin Fool, Eastmans Tag Hub are all groups that offer very granular unit by unit species information for a nominal fee.
Mule Deer
In my opinion nothing embodies western hunting more than giant mule deer! Unfortunately, these iconic deer are getting harder and harder to find. The more time in the field, the more of a puncher’s chance you will have to find one of these rare beasts. For this very reason, I try to hunt deer in several different states per year. It is getting harder and harder to get permits, but it’s still doable with a little foreword thinking.
Nearly every state in the west has some sort of point system. This is where the planning comes in. Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, and Arizona offer a point system in which gaining points increases your chances of drawing a permit. New Mexico and Idaho are completely random in their drawing process. Each state is a little unique in how they execute this process. My current strategy has me building points in nearly all of these states for mule deer. In states like Wyoming and Nevada I have been trying to draw tags in mid-tier units. I would rather hunt these states more frequently versus waiting for premier units. In Arizona I am close to the maximum point number so, I am trying to patiently wait for the famous strip hunts. Utah, my home state, I am in the elk pool for preference points. I try and take advantage of the states dedicated hunter program to allow me to hunt the same general unit as frequently as possible. Colorado is a bit of a mess currently! Changes in their management systems have really eliminated the majority of older age class deer. There are still lots of opportunities available, however the quality of animals is down across the entire state. I have a lot of points and I’m trying to decide what to do with them. I have still been hunting with 2nd choice and turn back tags. I typically buy a general license in Idaho nearly every year and then apply for premium hunts trying to upgrade it. New Mexico is completely random, and I’ve never drawn a tag there.
Even hunts in the very best units in the west are not easy these days. Nothing replaces time in the field. Develop a plan around units you want to hunt and begin spending time in these units prior to drawing the tag.
I love hunting elk! Especially in the rut. Similarly to mule deer, hunts for big elk are hard to come by. It takes planning and years of building points in most states to be in the running for a tag. Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Utah have general season hunts for elk. These are typically tough in nature. Especially for big bulls. I have drawn several premier units during my life. My same philosophy for deer applies to elk. Find hunts that appeal to your goals and develop a timeline around what it will take to draw.
In my home state of Utah, I’ve drawn two tags in the best units in the state. I’m working on a third. To get this third tag, I may have to commit to hunting with a bow in order to increase my odds and shorten the timeline. I have a lot of points in Arizona and am banking these points for the best units in hopes of a chance at a giant. I used my points in Wyoming in 2023 on a mid-tier unit as I didn’t have max points. I am now planning on hunting general season units there that can be drawn every few years. In years that I apply for deer in Idaho, I usually chose one of Idaho’s best units that I’ve drawn once already. I drew a great tag in Colorado once, so I’m back to rebuilding. I haven’t really pinned down what I want to do with these points, but this gives me options, which is the key. New Mexico has some great options, I usually apply if I don’t plan on having a full season. I haven’t ever drawn.
I’ve become a bit of an elk snob, so typically I only hunt or apply for units that have 350”+ potential. I love the allure of calling bulls in the rut so I primarily apply for season dates in September. My kids are getting older now, so we may start looking to Utah’s spike units or any bull general units.
If you want to hunt a Shiras moose, I’d hope you are already building preference points in the states that have non-resident moose hunt options. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana all have preference point options for moose. Idaho has some amazing moose hunts and operates on a completely random drawing basis. If you really want a moose and don’t have points, this is a great option. I’ve drawn a tag in Wyoming and killed a good bull. I have points in Colorado and regrettably, a lot of points in Utah. In both these states I ‘m applying for the very best units.
Ultimately, not many Shiras moose check the box for what I really dream about. I’ve started turning a lot of my attention to the north country of Alaska and Canada. There are do it yourself options in Alaska that in the long run may be more cost effective than building multiple decades worth of points in the lower 48.
I am here to attest that sheep fever is real!! Opportunities to hunt rams are so slim it’s hard to really plan to ever draw a tag. Especially if you didn’t start building points 20+ years ago. I drew a desert bighorn tag after 20 years of applying. Even with that my odds were horrific, and I got extremely lucky. However, you won’t ever draw if you don’t apply. Only New Mexico and Idaho offer random sheep tags to non-residents. Some of Idaho’s units actually don’t have horrific odds by sheep standards. However, these units are extremely physical and sheep numbers aren’t high. Montana does have an over-the-counter sheep hunt that operates on a kill quota basis. Most years these quotas aren’t filled and it isn’t from the lack of hunters trying. Rugged, remote and grizzly infested country, with few legal rams make for extremely low success historically.
Again, if you have a dream to hunt sheep, start applying now. I have enough points built that should allow me to kill rams in Wyoming and Arizona before I’m too old to chase them. Numerous foundations and private entities offer raffle type sheep tags. You pay to play, but if you don’t have points accumulated, this actually isn’t a bad way to go.
Antelope are a great way to get kids involved in hunting. Nothing beats driving around in the truck with snacks and drinks and not having to work quite so hard to find animals. This is a great recipe for getting kids excited to hunt. Low stress, low pressure and typically plenty of animals to look at. I typically apply for antelope in all the states that require me to buy a license in order to submit an application.
When it comes to antelope, Wyoming is the go to state without a doubt. Populations are down due to the winter of 2022-23 but there are still countless units to fit any hunter’s goals. With a little research, many great opportunities exist. States like, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, and Idaho also have decent odds at tags. Arizona has giant antelope, but plan on several decades in order to draw a tag. Colorado doesn’t offer many antelope tags and where they do live is primarily made up of private lands. If antelope are on your list, do some homework on units that fit your needs and start applying.
Mountain Goat/Bison/Etc
Most of the other species in the west will take special planning. If mountain goats, bison, or any other species interest you, I’d strongly recommend finding areas that fit your abilities and start applying. These animals are considered a once-in-a-lifetime species and in many states you have to choose which animal you wish to apply. I’d love to hunt both bison and goats someday, but haven’t been actively applying for either at this point.
Wyoming offers bison hunts that are entirely random. All the other states have a point system that will likely require 20-30 years’ worth of applying. There are a several opportunities to hunt free range bison on Indian reservations if you can afford the price tag. They aren’t ludicrous in price compared to some of the other animals but plan on $10k or so.
Mountain goats are probably harder to come by. Idaho and Alaska offer the only random chances at permits. Utah, Colorado and Wyoming all have point systems with very difficult odds. If you really want a goat, I’d look into booking a hunt either in Alaska or Canada. Price tags are similar to bison and start at roughly $10k for guided hunts.
Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on developing your own strategy. I don’t foresee getting permits becoming any easier in coming years. It is going to be more and more important to develop a plan, and work toward your desired outcomes. There are still hunts to go on that won’t break the bank but is going to take research and commitment. Good luck!
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