Taylor Dalton

Take it from me

"I get the unique perspective of being heavily involved in the inner-workings of Canvas Cutter. Take it from me, the individuals running Canvas Cutter are die hard about making gear that is going to last and legitimately change the way you experience the outdoors. They don’t cut corners, they don’t compromise."

Kyle Paxman

Built to last!

"I have been greatly impressed with the quality of Canvas Cutter products. Many minor details tell the story of a lot of care and thought that has been put into every aspect of their products. Everything I have used has been built to last! I never thought a bed roll could be comfortable but now my wife fights me for the Dominator!  Canvas Cutter is always innovating. They have shown that complacency doesn't exist with their brand and their ability to be creative. I am super excited to see what's next!"

Johnathan McCormick

Fast, Simple, and high quality

“Being a part of the Canvas Cutter family is as welcoming as the Dominator on a chilly night after chasing elk all day.  Canvas Cutter genuinely wants to extend the time you can be in the mountains doing what you love.  Fast, Simple, and high quality, look no further than Canvas Cutter for the best night sleep you will find."

Jeff Peterson

Unbeatable quality camping gear

"Canvas Cutter is a fantastic company, featuring unbeatable quality camping gear, and honest, hard working, and incredibly passionate people!  I’m grateful to be a Canvas Cutter Ambassador!"


Here at Canvas Cutter we are fanatics of high-quality, durable, timeless gear that augments one’s outdoor experiences and daily pursuits. Whether you’re spending a week in the backcountry, working on the ranch or simply tackling the family life, our products will change and improve the way you experience the outdoors - and we’re only getting started.

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Our products are designed to be something you can hand down to your kids and we stand behind our products 100%.


We source all our fabric and components from high-quality vendors and are constantly improving our products


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Application Strategy 2025

Application Strategy 2025

The most important application strategy I recommend is just that – have a strategy.  Personally, I try and break it down to hunts that I want to do on a regular basis and those that are a long-term...

Dry Creek Wrangler School

Dry Creek Wrangler School

 Although we would never willingly admit it, Father Wisdom, Schafer, Taylor, and I were likely closer to the "City Slicker/drugstore cowboy" side of the pendulum than we were the "Wrangler" side, ...

A Fish Story For Real Though

A Fish Story For Real Though

We’ve all heard at least one fish story with the classic phrases: “You should have seen it!”, “It was the biggest fish you’d ever seen”, “I swear it was every cast!”, “My line was flying off the r...